Recycle toner and much more with "The Box"
The Box – What’s the big deal? What is so unique about a cardboard box used to package a toner cartridge and what does it have to do with recycling? Advantage Laser Products created The Box to package remanufactured MICR toner cartridges and standard toner cartridges for laser printers but wanted to add more value to the product. The Box can used kept and re-used for storage of documents or a myriad of other things from glassware to crafts. The Box design was kept simple without distracting artwork in the hopes that would encourage the customer to keep and reuse the box, perhaps looking neater on a storage shelf without a cluttered exterior.
The Box can also be used to return the empty toner to Advantage for proper recycling. Be assured the cartridge, packaging and The Box will be recycled. However, why not allow the customer to return some hard-to-recycle items if Advantage can easily recycle them or give them to others for re-use? Small items can be included with the toner cartridge and not add any extra shipping cost; Advantage will recycle all of the following items if returned with empties.
Batteries, eye glasses, worn American Flags, children’s books, cell phones, empty ink cartridges and more.